Happiness love giving back to Drupal through contributing code, sponsoring events, sharing knowledge and organizing Drupal events.
Events We've Helped Organize
- DrupalCamp Stockholm Spring 2014 - http://spring2014.drupalcamp.se/
- DrupalCamp Stockholm Spring 2013 - http://spring2013.drupalcamp.se/
- DrupalCamp Stockholm Fall 2012 - http://fall2012.drupalcamp.se/
- Drupal meetup - http://groups.drupal.org/node/195463
- Drupal meetup - http://groups.drupal.org/node/244278
- Drupal meetup - http://groups.drupal.org/node/170644
- Drupal meetup - http://groups.drupal.org/node/148254
Drupal events we have sponsored
- DrupalCamp Stockholm Spring 2014 - http://spring2014.drupalcamp.se/
- DrupalCamp Stockholm Spring 2013 - http://spring2013.drupalcamp.se/
- DrupalCamp Stockholm Fall 2012 - http://fall2012.drupalcamp.se/
- DrupalCamp Stockholm Spring 2011 - http://spring2011.drupalcamp.se/
Modules & Themes We've Developed
- Node Picker
- Image Browser
- Spotify
- Administration pane
- Versatile
- Simple Clean
- Back To Top
- jCaption
- Google Site Search
- Transform
- Shopcart
- CKEditor Templates plugin for Drupal 8
Presentations We've Given
- DrupalCamp Stockholm Spring 2014 - Swegov BOF
- DrupalCon Münich - http://munich2012.drupal.org/program/sessions/science-guessing-drupal-es...
- DrupalCamp Stockholm Fall 2012 - http://fall2011.drupalcamp.se/sessions/fallstudie-grand-h%C3%B4tel
- DrupalCamp Stockholm Spring 2011 - http://spring2011.drupalcamp.se/schedule/fallstudie-om-malm%C3%B6-operas...
Translations We've made
- acke is a admin of the swedish translation team (249 translations)
- Peter Törnstrand is a member of the swedish team (94 translations)
Interviews & Press
- Webbdagarna 2013 representing Drupalföretagen - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUCmENC_tpo
- http://internetworld.idg.se/2.1006/1.553170/responsiv-museisajt-pa-drupal
- http://internetworld.idg.se/2.1006/1.473276/radslan-for-oppen-kallkod-ar...
Associations we support
- Drupal Association Organization Member
Drupal Awards we're proud of
- Blue Drop Award 2014 for Best Education Site (ki.se) and Best Media Site (viasat.se) http://2014.bluedropawards.org/blog-entry/2014-blue-drop-award-winners-a...
- The jury silver prize for the Viasat platform ( www.viasat.se and nordic sites) at DrupalCamp Stockholm Spring 2014
- Fastest nominated Top100 site in Tourism - http://internetworld.idg.se/2.1006/1.544357/har-ar-snabbaste-toppsajten/... , http://blog.apicasystem.se/apica-mater-topp100-nominerade-webbplatser/
- Two silvers in Drupal Awards 2013 for Swedish ICT and Sandhamns Seglarhotell.
- Happiness won the award of Best Design at Drupalcamp Stockholm Fall 2011 for the Grand Hôtel Drupal website. The winner was chosen based on the votes from the participants at the event.
- An honorable third place for the Grand Hôtel Drupal website in the category for Best Enterprise Website Built with Drupal at the 2012 Blue Drop Awards, http://www.bluedropawards.org/news-item/2012-blue-drop-awards-winners-an...